Personal Dust Sampling and Analysis.

“SUMS Techno Labs Private Limited.”

Personal Dust Sampling and Analysis.

SUMS Group PDS Free Silica Analysis

Personal/Work place monitoring plays a major role in health and safety. When workers are exposed to air contaminants like Solvents, Gases, Vapours, Respirable particulates, Inhalable particulates, Total particulates, Respirable nuisance dust etc., at certain environmental conditions, they may cause adverse effects like allergy, nuisance, pulmonary problems etc. DGMS has stipulated standards for respirable dust and free silica content from mining / industrial activities. We are DGMS approved laboratory to undertake Personal Dust Sampling and Free Silica Analysis.

The objective of conducting the sampling and analysis is to determine the concentration of Respirable Dust Monitoring & Analysis of free silica in the respirable dust in order to compare the workers exposure to the threshold limit / Maximum Exposure Limit (MEL) of the concentration of the respirable dust at various workplace, so as to comply with the provisions of regulation 124 of MMR, 1961 under the Mines Act, 1952 with following objectives:

  • To estimate the exposure of respirable dust to the workers by personal dust monitoring.
  • To estimate the exposure of respirable dust at the workplace by source / area dust monitoring.
  • To analyse the content of free silica present in the dust samples collected.
  • It is designed for alerting workers to potential workplace hazards and for providing guidance to employees for avoidance of exposure to suspended particular matter through their adherence to safe work practices and procedures.

To be world-class in Mining, Survey, Geology, Analytical & Environmental services.