Environmental Services
SUMS Techno Labs Pvt Ltd., is well established laboratory and it is accredited by NABL as per ISO 17025 and MoEF Recognized Laboratory.
- Environmental Monitoring of Ambient Air, Ground & Waste Water, Noise, Soil and Industrial Effluents as per MoEF & CC/CPCB guidelines.
- Personal Dust Sampling, Illumination Survey & Airborne Respirable Dust Levels.
- Stack Emission Measurements.
- Analysis of Air, Water, Soil, Industrial effluents & Biological components..
- Collection of Micrometeorology Data.
- Socio Economic Studies.
- Identification & Quantification of significant aspects and impacts.
- Preparation of Pre-Feasibility Report.
- Preparation of EIA/EMP.
- Project Evaluation for Environment Clearance from SEIAA/MoEF & CC.
- Identification of Environmental Protection and Mineral Conservation Measures.
To be world-class in Mining, Survey, Geology, Analytical & Environmental services.